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Today 9:00am - 5:30pm

Normal capacity

Current centre capacity at normal level.

This graph uses real-time data to show current centre capacity, updated every fifteen minutes. A forecast for the day and week ahead can be viewed by clicking below.

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Current centre capacity is busier than usual.

<p> This graph uses real-time data to show current centre capacity, updated every fifteen minutes. A forecast for the day and week ahead can be viewed by clicking below. </p>

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Proudly by Frasers Property

Today 9:00am - 5:30pm

Normal capacity

Current centre capacity at normal level.

This graph uses real-time data to show current centre capacity, updated every fifteen minutes. A forecast for the day and week ahead can be viewed by clicking below.

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Current centre capacity is busier than usual.

<p> This graph uses real-time data to show current centre capacity, updated every fifteen minutes. A forecast for the day and week ahead can be viewed by clicking below. </p>

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Meal Prep Ideas for Budget-Friendly Family Meals

A game-changer if you’re busy and short on time.

20 February 2025
Budget Friendly Meal Prep Ideas

Not every good meal needs to cost a fortune — especially with these budget-friendly meal prep ideas. Have a read through these recipes and create delicious, affordable dishes your family will keep asking you to make!

Importance of Meal Prep

Meal prepping isn't just about saving a few bucks; it's a cost-effective game-changer. By preparing meals in advance, you can save time, reduce food waste, make healthier eating choices, and ultimately improve your diet.

Meal Prep Ideas to Maximise Savings

If you’ve just started your meal-prepping journey, here are a couple of tips to help you whip up delicious meals without putting a major dent in your wallet:

  • Pantry Stock Up: Bulk buy staples like rice, beans, lentils, pasta, and canned tomatoes. Stick to inexpensive and versatile goods.
  • Purchase with the Seasons: Buy fruits and vegetables that are in season, they’re usually cheaper and tastier too.
  • Elevate Your Leftovers: Get creative with leftovers; think soups, stir-fries, or whatever you can pull from your pantry and fridge.

How to Meal Prep for a Week

A common question for meal prep newbies: how do you meal prep for a week? Make it simple and straightforward with these easy steps:

  1. Create Your Menu: Decide on which days and dishes you’d like to prepare for the week.
  2. Go Grocery Shopping: Make a shopping list and stick to it.
  3. Dedicate a Prep Day: Choose one day per week for meal prepping; this’ll help you establish a routine.
  4. Cook in Batches: If possible, batch cook your dishes and snacks for convenience.
  5. Portion and Store: Organise and portion your meals into individual containers so you cangrab and go throughout the week.

Meal Prep Recipes for Beginners

These simple and wallet-friendly meal prep ideas are perfect to get you started:

  • One-Pan Roasted Vegetables: Roast a variety of seasonal vegetables on a sheet pan. Use them in salads, stir-fries, or as a side dish.
  • Lentil Soup: A hearty soup with lentils, vegetables, and flavourful spices. Make a large quantity to enjoy throughout the week.
  • Overnight Oats: A quick and customisable breakfast option; add in whichever fruits and oats you desire.
  • Tuna Pasta Bake: You can’t go wrong with a good pasta dish — bonus points for adding tuna, an affordable protein option.
  • Beef and Broccoli Stir Fry: This savoury Asian dish packs a healthy punch by mixing sautéed beef, broccoli, and oyster sauce.

There’s truly no exact game plan for meal prepping, you just need to take that first step. Experiment with different recipes and find what works best for your family. Keen to start cooking up these budget-friendly family meals? Visit Burwood Brickworks to find fresh ingredients at Woolworths or Asian goods at Hui Hui Supermarket.

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