Proudly by Frasers Property

Today 9:00am - 5:30pm

Normal capacity

Current centre capacity at normal level.

This graph uses real-time data to show current centre capacity, updated every fifteen minutes. A forecast for the day and week ahead can be viewed by clicking below.

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Current centre capacity is busier than usual.

<p> This graph uses real-time data to show current centre capacity, updated every fifteen minutes. A forecast for the day and week ahead can be viewed by clicking below. </p>

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Stores Location

Proudly by Frasers Property

Today 9:00am - 5:30pm

Normal capacity

Current centre capacity at normal level.

This graph uses real-time data to show current centre capacity, updated every fifteen minutes. A forecast for the day and week ahead can be viewed by clicking below.

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Current centre capacity is busier than usual.

<p> This graph uses real-time data to show current centre capacity, updated every fifteen minutes. A forecast for the day and week ahead can be viewed by clicking below. </p>

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Dog-Friendly Shopping at Burwood Brickworks

08 October 2024

Burwood Brickworks prides itself on being a Dog Friendly Shopping Centre. However, we do have a few rules that customers and their furry companions will need to follow to ensure a safe and fun environment for all.

Dog Rules to Follow at Burwood Brickworks

We love dogs at Burwood Brickworks! So we kindly ask that all dog owners follow these rules:

1. Keep dogs on a lead

All dogs must always be on a lead, even on the rooftop.

2. Control your dog

Always keep your dog under control.

3. Accidents

Be prepared to clean up after your dog.

4. No tying up

For your dog's safety and comfort, please don't tie them up or leave them unattended inside the Centre. Our dog parking stations are always available at every entrance.

5. Behaviour

Please be mindful of others and avoid disruptive or antisocial behaviour.

6. Restricted areas

Dogs are not allowed in Woolworths.

Traffic Light System

We've made it easy to keep Burwood Brickworks dog-friendly. Just look for the dog paw decals on shop windows and follow a few simple rules posted at the entrances.


Green Paws – Dog-friendly stores/dog-friendly places/dog-friendly restaurants
Amber Paws – Dogs can only dine outside (for our Eat Street restaurants)
Red Paws – No dogs allowed in this store

Service Dogs Are Always Welcome

Service, assistance, and seeing eye dogs are welcome in all areas of Burwood Brickworks.


1. What happens if these rules are not followed?

Our security team is always on-site and are available to guide dog owners on best practice.

2. Are there any places that are not dog-friendly shops in Burwood Brickworks?

Just a little heads up - Woolworths is for humans only! Our adorable dog paw decals act as furry-friendly guides. Simply follow the paw prints using our traffic light system to sniff out all the doggo-approved spots.

3. What should dog owners do if an “accident” happens in the Centre?

Dog owners, always keep those handy clean-up bags ready. We know accidents happen, but a little cleanup goes a long way in keeping our Happy Place gleaming and paw-some.

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